Hi All
I want you read this first. For a change i'm showing a picture before i write, but after reading i think you get why. Please read first then read below the picture.
Wow is this not the most beautiful words and explanation been a parent of a special need parent. It is all so true that there comes a time that we need to let go off what we thought would happen in an ideal world and realize what is happening now in our lives. For as much as there is so much we deal with we must not forget to enjoy all the beautiful moments and what been a special need parent shows us and we would never experienced it if our child did not have special needs. it is different, it is new , it is a whole new experience and i know i have learned and experienced so much in the last 11 years so far with Faith i would never of experienced and although there has been rough times, challenges and hurdles to overcome i have seen beauty and compassion and kindness and pure joy and happiness and appreciation for life and moments and memories that we all too often take for granted. This picture above i hope will encourage you to embrace been a parent that has a child with special needs and focus on that and not of what could of been otherwise you are missing out on the journey and the wonder and the great gift it can offer you.
I want you read this first. For a change i'm showing a picture before i write, but after reading i think you get why. Please read first then read below the picture.
Wow is this not the most beautiful words and explanation been a parent of a special need parent. It is all so true that there comes a time that we need to let go off what we thought would happen in an ideal world and realize what is happening now in our lives. For as much as there is so much we deal with we must not forget to enjoy all the beautiful moments and what been a special need parent shows us and we would never experienced it if our child did not have special needs. it is different, it is new , it is a whole new experience and i know i have learned and experienced so much in the last 11 years so far with Faith i would never of experienced and although there has been rough times, challenges and hurdles to overcome i have seen beauty and compassion and kindness and pure joy and happiness and appreciation for life and moments and memories that we all too often take for granted. This picture above i hope will encourage you to embrace been a parent that has a child with special needs and focus on that and not of what could of been otherwise you are missing out on the journey and the wonder and the great gift it can offer you.
"The Most beautiful things in life can not be seen or touched, but can only be felt with the heart."
Another inspirational video by Orla kelly please view and like http://youtu.be/bKzkGTmx_UA
I end with this ':Children with special needs hold the key to the pure joy of what life is all about."
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