Friday, 16 August 2013

Encouragement - Famous people that had and have special needs

Do not be dismayed. I know getting your kids to adulthood is a full time job and you never know what the outcome will be when they adults one day. But i want to encourage you to believe and hold on to hope , faith and love and know there is light at the end of the tunnel as long as you never give up on your child.

Today i want to enlighten you on some Famous people that changed the world and they had special needs.

I hope there stories may encourage you to keep on fighting the fight and never give up. Our kids need to know we are always there for them.

Alexander Graham Bell –Bell invented the telephone, but struggled with 
traditional schooling. It’s believed that he had some form of learning 
disability, possibly dyslexia.

Napoleon Bonaparte –Napoleon’s hypersensitivity to touch and his military 
strategic genius are two of the many symptoms that have led some modern 
scholars to suggest that he was a high-functioning autistic.

Richard Branson–A billionaire businessman, Branson credits his business 
intuition and unique perspectives to his early struggles with dyslexia, which 
affects the way he visualizes words.

Erin Brockovich–Brockovich is a former legal clerk whose success in 
building a case against illegal groundwater contamination led to a major 
motion picture starring Julia Roberts. Brockovich is dyslexic.

Terry Bradshaw–The NFL host and former player was diagnosed with 
attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

Cher – Cher is one of the most iconic performers, singers and actresses in the 
world. She has a form of dyslexia that makes it difficult to remember numbers 
or to perform basic mathematics.

Agatha Christie – Christie was the most famous mystery novelist of her time 
and developed a rich writing style that has impacted almost every mystery 
writer of the 20th and 21st centuries. Christie had dysgraphia, a learning 
disability that affected her ability to understand written words.

Tom Cruise – Cruise is among the most recognizable actors in the world. He 
has dyslexia and has spoken publicly about his disability.

Walt Disney –While no hard evidence exists, many scholars believe that 
Disney suffered from dyslexia or a related disorder due to his difficulties in 
school. Disney eventually dropped out of high school and pursued a career as 
an artist.

Albert Einstein– Einstein’s parents once thought that he was mentally 
retarded due to his odd habits and difficulties in school. If he were born today, 
Einstein would probably be diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome, a mild form 
of autism.

Thomas Edison– Edison is believed to have had dyslexia and possibly ADHD. 
His mother took him out of school at an early age, and Edison was homeschooled. He developed a voracious appetite for reading and made major scientific breakthroughs with his unusual methodology.

Bill Gates – Some autism experts have suggested that the head of Microsoft 

has Asperger’s, although testing has never been performed

Suzanne Somers – Somers had a learning disability which led to poor 
performance in school and an inability to understand written language. She’s 

most famous for her role on the sitcom, “Three’s Company”.

Robin Williams –Williams is a comedian and actor, famous for his roles in 
“Mrs. Doubtfire,” “Good Will Hunting” and dozens of other films. He has been 
diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) which affected 

his education and his ability to memorize scripts.

I encourage you to show this blog to your kids as well, so they may know