To Over come: To succeed in a problem or difficulty
Faith will be re doing grade 4, she is not making the grade and they feel she has severe learning problems. I try and breath and take this all in. My husband and I know it is not going be easy she still has many hurdles to overcome at school, in life. I try not let all this get to me but sometimes just when i think i am fine and handle all something else happens and i try not to cry or get all emotional. I sometimes just feel numb like i just don't want to see anyone , speak to anyone cause I feel people just don't grasp the severity of what we are going through and what Faith is trying to deal with, which she hasn't even grasped yet cause she is not mature enough to handle it all.
Reggie and I made a promise to ourselves. She will overcome, she will be an success, she will make something of herself. We will not let these disabilities allow her to fail. We will not give up on her,we will not stop until she has become the best she can be. I have to tell myself this to move myself forward and sometimes it is very tiring to do this, but we go on. I don't even know if Faith will make it to matric.
To overcome - succeed in a problem or difficulty. Please realize there difficulty and their difficulty. I would never change Faith for the world. She is the reason i wake up every morning and she has opened our eyes to so much other things we would never of seen if she had not been born premature.
Is it too much to ask as a mother that you just want your child to have opportunities that come so easy to other children. Is it too much to ask that you want to see just one thing that she doesn't struggle with, but does with ease to take the enormous pressure she has on her shoulders with everything else off a bit. Is it too much to ask that you want your child to succeed in this world and be able to live an independent life like we wish for all our kids.
I know her learning disabilities will never disappear her general anxiety disorder she will have to handle as she gets older, her adhd she will have to learn to control , but regardless of all these we want her to OVERCOME, to SUCCEED, to PROSPER. After all she been through and still will have to go through I think she deserves it and should demand it of herself and show the world that it may take me longer but i will Overcome.

To overcome - succeed in a problem or difficulty. Please realize there difficulty and their difficulty. I would never change Faith for the world. She is the reason i wake up every morning and she has opened our eyes to so much other things we would never of seen if she had not been born premature.
Is it too much to ask as a mother that you just want your child to have opportunities that come so easy to other children. Is it too much to ask that you want to see just one thing that she doesn't struggle with, but does with ease to take the enormous pressure she has on her shoulders with everything else off a bit. Is it too much to ask that you want your child to succeed in this world and be able to live an independent life like we wish for all our kids.
I know her learning disabilities will never disappear her general anxiety disorder she will have to handle as she gets older, her adhd she will have to learn to control , but regardless of all these we want her to OVERCOME, to SUCCEED, to PROSPER. After all she been through and still will have to go through I think she deserves it and should demand it of herself and show the world that it may take me longer but i will Overcome.