Saturday, 3 August 2013


During times of great vulnerability and challenge, we are ironically called upon to access tremendous mental strength, hope and faith often against a tide of our own despair. It’s not easy to do this, but it is vital to our ability to support our forward momentum, lest we become swept up in our own darkness. When you can’t find your faith borrow someone else’s until you remember where you left your own.”
♥ Michele Shusterman, CP Daily Living 

We had a meeting with my daughters school psychologist, they feel due to her learning disabilities been so vast and varied when she turns 15 is best suited to go to a special needs school of skills, she is not academically mined and is struggling too much.  Another blow to us so we have 4 years to find a school best suited for her needs again. I just started crying felt like these challenges we have with her never ends and when i got home and looked at my beautiful daughter it just overwhelmed me how her future lies in our hands. If we want her t o succeed in life to prosper and go forth, we need to be very careful how we tread.  Later after i had taken 2 headache tablets and calmed down and sitting on the internet trying see again what school we will have to research and place her in. I realized how special my child is, how much strength she has given me to go on,. Strength to move forward in these days with big questions over her life and uncertainty around, Strength to not give up on her but always find away because she needs us, depends on us and we need to show her what strength is to get through these days . 

I've realized that she is who she is and she must be who she is and if she doesn't get a matric through the normal channels like every one else does and rather goes to a school where she can feel and touch and experience things on a greater level than most kids would ever get to do, then she is actually privileged  I need to have the strength to move her forward in the direction that will get her to her goals and not in the normal manner. Being different is Good. I need to tell her that no matter where she is, she can still be awesome every day in whatever she does and she will find the strength to finish and get where she suppose to go as long as she is true to herself .

We need to find the strength to let her be the best she can be at the same time protecting her  and allowing her to blossom letting her know that it is perfectly fine and we love her just the way she is.