Friday, 9 August 2013

A Look Inside

A Look inside at been a Special Need Mom

This Blog is directed totally at all the special need mom's out there. We go through each day never knowing what it might bring and still with belief in our heart that we have planted those seeds in our child to help them become the special person God created. That through all the rough days. the tiresome therapies and medication given religiously every day, the hugs and reassurance when our kids get anxious or overwhelmed, the nights the nightmares may hit or they feel like there lives are crumbling we carry on without a word, without any one saying  " You are special". So i am here to tell you that you are special you are also a Gift

Your child is wherever they are because of the tiresome effort and strength and courage you put in every day, waking up and never knowing if it will be a good or bad day. All you know is that you have to get up, smile and continue because that is what Special need mom;s do.

Look in side your self and you will see a strength and beauty you never thought you had, endurance when you felt you couldn't go on and Love that God has blessed you with the sensitivity for your special needs child.

“My mother sat me down and said, are beautiful to me but must know that you are beautiful for yourself. You should also be aware that true beauty is in the eye of the beholder, which means that how beautiful you are to other people is always going to be subjective to who is looking at you at that time, and since you will always be looking at yourself first, you should find your own beauty and feel good about who you are.” She went on to tell me that I needed to take the time to identify those things that I found to be beautiful about myself but also celebrate what I thought was weird or unusual because those were the special things that God had given to me that made me different from everybody else. I learned how to appreciate, embrace, and enhance those special things so that they would shine rather than be hidden...We learned to love and identify with what made us uniquely beautiful.”