Over compensating for our kids
Have you been told you too over protective, you give in too easy, or you letting them get away with stuff. It is a fine line when you have a special needs child. Where do you draw the line between discipline and letting them down especially when they already have a difficult life with a lot of stuff. To me the point is. I will do whatever it takes to give my child any opportunity they can get. With already her not been able to do many other small things that other kids take for granted why must i be so strict and not allow myself and my child to see some joy some release of pure happiness from her when she already finds life difficult. Don't get me wrong been naughty is naughty but i think people forget when your child is 11 yrs old and cant ride a bike still because of her low muscle town, or cant spread a piece of bread properly because of her fine motor skill problem, is scared to do certain activities cause of her fears etc. You don't nit pick . If she asks to do something and you can make her happy why not. It is easy for people to talk when there kids get good grades can do almost anything, and all is OK. So if i am a little more over protective, or i over compensate a little more than the next person will , so be it. Don't feel that you as a parent are doing anything wrong, What we go through every day i'm sure we would give our kidney, or gallbladder to see our child find joy in life , to find joy in something so it doesn't feel like all they do is struggle and struggle and struggle. It is easy for any one to speak but when your child finds life more like one big hurdle ,you find any opportunity you can to see them relaxed and just smile and just make there eyes shine with happiness. Because they deserve happiness just like any other child except it doesn't come that easy for them.
The Gift here is that our Kids teach us to choose what is really worth arguing and fighting about, what is worth saying No to instead of Yes because our hearts are softer and our eyes see more as we see in there eyes how one small thing could mean the world to them, but not so much to anyone else.
Quote for today:" Celebrate the Little things"