Saturday, 22 June 2013

The Gift

The Gift

A child born premature is a gift from God. Almost 11 years ago my husband Reg and i were ready to bury our baby girl. Born premature 640g had 2 blood transfusion and 3 months in hospital she is an image of what God can do in your life and although we have struggled every day to get her to be the best that she can be we feel privileged to be her parents.

Faith Story

Low muscle tone, gross motor problems, fine motor problems, spatial problems, general anxiety disorder, Adhd and learning difficulties. This my child has to face every day to struggle at school and struggle with fears, to struggle with holding a pen or understanding work that her spatial problem just wont allow her to understand. Been a parent of a special needs child is a gift . You learn to appreciate every small goal they achieve every second and every minute of the day ,week , month or year. Because for them every small achievement that so many other kids can do with ease is a difficult struggle for them each and every day of there lives. I lie awake at night sometimes trying put myself in my 10 yr old shoes and just cant even grasp how she must deal with it all and yet she is this fun loving bouncy confident child. Faith journey from only having 10% chance of survival to the beautiful pic above is already a great and huge achievement which she cant see yet. 

This Blog i write for all those moms of kids with special need kids, with moms who have kids with general anxiety disorder, for those moms who have kids with adhd and for me so i can express my frustrations, my joys and my gratefulness to God for although it so far has been an up heel battle i would never change my child for the world.

Keep reading and i hope and pray that my words may either inspire you, help you or just realize as moms and dads you are not alone and our kids are Gift s from God.

Some Links for help:‎