Saturday, 31 August 2013

Medication issue Pros and Cons

The morning comes we all wake up, get breakfast ready and always remember faith medication and stand by and watch as she takes it. The same thing every morning. I still get upset at the thought that my child at 11 is on medication that for her to function properly concentrate and not become to anxious a tablet has to help her. Then on the other hand when i see the difference in her and what she can achieve and how she behaves when she is not on it i am thankful. I think there are pro's and cons to everything in life and so too with our kids and there medication. Faith is a handful if she doesn't have it. She so busy all the time, loud and gets irritated and upset very quickly for small things. It is tiring for us and we try and not give her on the weekend even though we know she will be an handful, but we want to give her a break just to be who she is without anything changing her. She not a bad child or destructive just very on the go and i feel if i had 1% of her energy i would be able to get through so much more .

The daily routine for her medication i realize is so important and although we sigh every time she has to take it we realize how it is for her well being and functioning as a person. The day the psychologist told me Faith had to go on anti anxiety medication i actually cried at home . This is not normal it is not the way a child is suppose to get through life, but i slowly had to get use to the fact that nothing is normal or should i say the world's way of normal when it comes to Faith. She doesn't like tablets so i literally have to stand there and watch her swallow it cause i have found a few tucked in the couch. I cant blame her she is wondering the same as we are why oh why must i take this.? 

The Cons

1. She doesn't sleep well - Solution bought a calm CD we put on when she goes to bed
2. lack of appetite - Put nice but healthy and a few not so healthy treats in to want her to eat.

The Pros

1. Performs better at school 
2. Less anxious
3. Not so fidgety
4. Concentrates better
5. Able to function day to day tasks

You see the difference ! there are always pro's and con's in everything in life. The issue is does the pro's out weigh the con's and if so then there is always a way to make the con's not so bad, like us buying a calm CD that makes her relax and fall asleep better and to make sure she eats give her food that she will want to eat. Not to mention good exercise and change in diet. These all go hand in hand otherwise the medication can not work as effectively when you giving chocolate or coke to a child with adhd or coffee to a child with anxiety disorder, Certain foods aggravate the situation.

As i have said before Research to your child's special needs are so vital otherwise your house will be in constant chaos and you will feel powerless and you as a parent need to be in control of the situation and be the one to guide them. I have realized with Faith she gets so use to us sorting things out she gets lazy instead of sorting the problem out.

Please understand one day you will not be there . you need to give them the routine, eating habits guidance and ways to solve problems so they can be functioning , independent young adults in society that are also contributing in society even though they take medication. Anything can be managed as long as it can be managed well and we are the stepping stone for them to know how to achieve these life changes that they will most likely have to use for the rest of there lives..