Friday, 28 June 2013

For the Love of it

For the Love of it

Live, love , Laugh. I truly believe all our children have a gift. I am to blame too we focus so much on what they can't do, because we have had the negative words drummed in to us over and over by teachers and doctors and care givers since they were born. We loose focus and we really should stand still and look and find what our child's Gift is. We are not all suppose to be brilliant in maths or history or any school based subjects where the school structure is so rigid even mainstream kids have difficulty getting through.

Our kids know how to find pure joy in something because for them it doesn't happen often with all the struggles they deal with. So when I see Faiths dancing and singing and forgetting all her anxiety, forgetting how she not making the grade, or the bad dreams at night she has. I too then forget all those things and smile and see through all the negativity that can drain a parent so much, it is hard to find the positive side of anything. It took my friend Carmen to make me realize this and I thank her from the bottom of my heart.

 Find your child's Gift and focus on that. We allow too many people put our kids down cause it is always what they cant do, but there is so much they can do, it is just not the norm of the world. So what is really normal hey, normal is boring why not be fabulously different. We all need it sometimes.

Quote for today: Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

Read more at 

Agatha Christie Quote

Thursday, 27 June 2013



“Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.”

It is exhausting is it not! As parents it seems our brains are always on the go. Even when I go to bed at night I am thinking what the next day will hold and how I must plan the day, her routine. The way we say bye every day at aftercare/ If we do it wrong or the routine gets disrupted, that's it ,she is anxious or upset the whole day. The way we put her to bed, lamp light on, calm CD on, kiss good night and hope she has a restful night. The energy levels still high after a long day and you wish you could have 5% extra just to keep up with them running around as if they just woke up.
You Sit down and feel all overwhelmed a bit and need just a chance to breathe and have a time out to try and get your mind right again. Then your child, your child that has this ADHD, this child that has GAD, this child that struggles and needs routine and exhausts you cause you have to be positive all the time, and you feel sometimes it can get too much. Your child comes to you and says 

" Mom, Dad just wanted to say i love you, you guys are the best."

 And you get the biggest squeeze ever like they breaking your bones , and they smile and you smile and some how you do breathe once more and you find the courage like a quiet voice inside you to do this all again tomorrow.

The Gift - Our Kids teach us to be courageous for them.

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Tears of Joy and Sadness

Tears of Joy and Sadness

As Faith and I one night lay cuddled in the bed just chatting before it was her bedtime, she turned to me and said "Mom why do i have anxiety?, Why do i struggle so ?." My eyes started to fill with tears and I got this lump in my throat cause I felt like my heart was going break. I had no idea what to say to my 11 year old, what words could ever satisfy her.There are none. I held her in my arms and just said." Maybe I can explain better when you older, for now just know that you are a very special and no matter what you go through your Dad and I will always be here to help you through anything, so don't be afraid ". I cried myself to sleep that night cause my heart felt sore and I wish I could of had some solid reason to give her to make her feel more at peace, but I didn't. No psychological or  scientific jargon would of helped and no explanation would she understand. 

I woke up trying gain my strength and start the next morning on a positive note, especially with her anxiety we needed to be as positive as possible for her. She knows when I stress or am upset or feel sad. I got her sorted ready for the day and we have a saying a, actually two. " I will have Faith in Faith." and " Today will be a pink day". I remind her every day to say that to herself to overcome when there are times we are not around, at school feeling overwhelmed cause she cant grasp the work or on the play ground when friends are not been as nice as they should be.

My tears are sad and joyful and I pain everyday wondering what she thinks every day, how she feels every day. Will this get better or worse?. Teenage hood is around the corner and we now have to hold thumbs that depression will not come, as with anxiety disorders depression follows later.


My Tears need to be Tender, encourage her, accept her for who she is, renew her each day and support her always.

The Gift -  Faith has shown me how to be compassionate, how to be stronger than i ever thought i could be and how to be a better mother to her each and every day

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Meet Faith

Meet Faith Page :) 

This is just a small glimpse of Faith although she seems quiet fine on the outside the struggle is within with general anxiety disorder, adhd, low muscle tone, fine and gross motor and spatial problems.  She loves dancing and singing and Disney channel 303 and Monster High lol. She is our gift from God . 

Over compensating for our kids

Over compensating for our kids

Have you been told you too over protective, you give in too easy, or you letting them get away with stuff. It is a fine line when you have a special needs child. Where do you draw the line between discipline and letting them down especially when they already have a difficult life with a lot of stuff. To me the point is. I will do whatever it takes to give my child any opportunity they can get. With already her not been able to do many other small things that other kids take for granted why must i be so strict and not allow myself and my child to see some joy some release of pure happiness from her when she already finds life difficult. Don't get me wrong been naughty is naughty but i think people forget when your child is 11 yrs old and cant ride a bike still because of her low muscle town, or cant spread a piece of bread properly because of her fine motor skill problem, is scared to do certain activities cause of her fears etc. You don't nit pick . If she asks to do something and you can make her happy why not. It is easy for people to talk when there kids get good grades can do almost anything, and all is OK.  So if i am a little more over protective, or i over compensate a little more than the next person will , so be it. Don't feel that you as a parent are doing anything wrong, What we go through every day i'm sure we would give our kidney, or gallbladder to see our child find joy in life , to find joy in something so it doesn't feel like all they do is struggle and struggle and struggle. It is easy for any one to speak but when your child finds life more like one big hurdle ,you find any opportunity you can to see them relaxed and just smile and just make there eyes shine with happiness. Because they deserve happiness just like any other child except it doesn't come that easy for them.

The Gift here is that our Kids teach us to choose what is really worth arguing and fighting about, what is worth saying No to instead of Yes because our hearts are softer and our eyes see more as we see in there eyes how one small thing could mean the world to them, but not so much to anyone else. 

Quote for today:" Celebrate the Little things"

Monday, 24 June 2013

Poem for Parents


I found a poem written by a mother who has a special needs child. Although special needs varies from physical or learning difficulties, adhd, anxiety etc it is all the same.

This is for all the parents : You are chosen especially by God Please know you are very special and your child knows that to.


A meeting was held quite far from Earth: 
"It's time again for another birth." 
Said the Angels to the Lord Above, 
"This special child will need much love."
Her progress may seem very slow, 
Accomplishments she may not show 
And she'll require extra care 
From folks she meets way down there.

She may not run or laugh or play
Her thoughts may seem quite far away:
In many ways she isn't adapt
And she'll be known as handicapped.

So let's be careful where she's sent
We want her life to be content.
Please, Lord, find the parents who
Will do a special job for you.

They will not realize right away
The leading role they're asked to play
But with this child sent from above
Comes a stronger faith and richer love.

And soon they'll know the privilege given
In caring for the Gift from Heaven.
Their precious charge,
so meek and mild
Is Heaven's Very Special Child.
Edna Massimilla

The Gift here is God chooses special people to be there parents. Please know you as parents dealing with this day in and day out are special and valued.

Sunday, 23 June 2013



I was thinking last night what i would say for my 2nd Blog. As i whatapp the link to my friends to get there input if they thought this was a good idea, i realized how important friends are especially when you have a special needs child. My friend Stacey thought it was a brilliant idea and encouraged me to continue. I have felt 2 sides of this coin. I have friends that are very sensitive when it comes to Faith and then i have had friends that just cant grasp thinking before they react and by so doing not inviting her to there child's daughter's birthday because she was afraid of the dog. This unfortunately only found out much later but it hung in my brain how people can not be more sensitive to other peoples needs. Faith with her anxiety has had to overcome a lot of fears. She was scared of escalators, dogs,sleeping alone, the dark. She has nightmares every night that my husband and i might die this is what GENERAL ANXIETY DISORDER does. It makes your mind blow something so small in to something so large it feels like it may happen. Try and put your mind in this 10 yr old shoes. Throat getting dry and you feel like some thing traumatic is going happen and you cant handle it, and of course you cant you 10. That's why Mom and Dad are there. Let me give you a tip, research as much as you can on your child's special needs, get to know them how they see life, love . They see things in ways we could never imagine, they feel things deeper stronger and with more emotion then we will ever understand. So when faith gives me so many hugs every day and says Mom i love you about 50 times in a day, I smile cause as much as she is going through things i cant imagine, I also know she will grow up to be a child that is sensitive to others needs and problems cause she feels that, she experiences that and she sees that as well going to a special needs school every day and she is made aware that everyone she is with every day has a problem but they deserve still to go to that party and be treated in the the same way.Us as her parents have realized who our true friends are and who are not. The Gift she has brought us is that we have gotten to see life differently, we have had to be more sensitive and caring and understanding because of her needs and i thank God for that. it has made me a better person and see things in a brighter light than before.

So i decided each time I end my Blog I will end with a quote. Something to leave you with to think about and hoping you come back for more. Please do leave comments. I need all the feedback i can get. This is new to me and we can dialogue together .

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. Security does not exist in nature, nor do the children of men as a whole experience it. Avoiding danger is no safer in the long run than exposure.”

Saturday, 22 June 2013

The Gift

The Gift

A child born premature is a gift from God. Almost 11 years ago my husband Reg and i were ready to bury our baby girl. Born premature 640g had 2 blood transfusion and 3 months in hospital she is an image of what God can do in your life and although we have struggled every day to get her to be the best that she can be we feel privileged to be her parents.

Faith Story

Low muscle tone, gross motor problems, fine motor problems, spatial problems, general anxiety disorder, Adhd and learning difficulties. This my child has to face every day to struggle at school and struggle with fears, to struggle with holding a pen or understanding work that her spatial problem just wont allow her to understand. Been a parent of a special needs child is a gift . You learn to appreciate every small goal they achieve every second and every minute of the day ,week , month or year. Because for them every small achievement that so many other kids can do with ease is a difficult struggle for them each and every day of there lives. I lie awake at night sometimes trying put myself in my 10 yr old shoes and just cant even grasp how she must deal with it all and yet she is this fun loving bouncy confident child. Faith journey from only having 10% chance of survival to the beautiful pic above is already a great and huge achievement which she cant see yet. 

This Blog i write for all those moms of kids with special need kids, with moms who have kids with general anxiety disorder, for those moms who have kids with adhd and for me so i can express my frustrations, my joys and my gratefulness to God for although it so far has been an up heel battle i would never change my child for the world.

Keep reading and i hope and pray that my words may either inspire you, help you or just realize as moms and dads you are not alone and our kids are Gift s from God.

Some Links for help:‎